Thursday, August 10, 2017

Why am I Creating this Blog?


I am a bibliophile. I collect and devour books. I pride myself in my library. 668 books and counting! 

I am also a writer. I LOVE to write. 

I wanted to create a place where I could share my love for all things fiction. I find myself spewing words as fast as I can as if I haven't had a conversation in years at the mention of a great book or film or at the request for a recommendation. After I moved, I was unpacking my library, cataloging all the books I own on goodreads, marking the ones I have read and the ones I have yet to read, I decided that I really needed to begin to write my thoughts/reviews about these book and share them with more people. Sure, I can just review them on goodreads, but I have so much more to share. So, here I am, ready to share: ready to blog book reviews and share my writing muses! I hope you will follow me and share with me as we go along too! I will post my book reviews on this main page. I will post my writing on my Writing Muses Page


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